Esso Medals

The 2023/2024 Esso MedalsTM Season has ended.

Congratulations to all medals winners, teams, and players! And thank you to all the coaches, volunteers, administrators, and parents for making this past season the best one yet. Registration reopens in October 2024, so we'll see you back on the ice in fall!

Share photos of your Esso Medals moments on social media with #essomedals

The Goal of EssoTM Medals

Since 1981, Esso has been a proud supporter of minor hockey in communities across Canada.

Our free Esso Medals kits arm coaches and volunteers with the tools to inspire and encourage minor hockey players of all ages.


New Medals for New Achievements

Our medals have been completely redesigned from medal to lanyard. They now shine like the Stanley Cup® and are as heavy as a World Championship medal. Each one also features unique grooves on their face, inspired by the skate marks left on the ice after a game.


Share the Passion

We encourage players, parents and organizations to share photos of Esso Medals, Certificates of Achievement, and Reward Stickers on social media with #essomedals.
